Feature and Follow Friday (#2)


Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly event hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, that allows bloggers to spread the word about their blog and gain new followers.  Each week bloggers also answer a book related question.  This week’s question is:

Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review?

No, I haven’t.  If I was interested in a book and found out that it had received one or many bad reviews, I would still buy it.  As a book reviewer I know that not everyone will love the books I love and not everyone will dislike the books that I wasn’t particulary fond of.  I have read a few books that received fantastic reviews and I just wasn’t enthralled by the book like they were.  If a book received lots of negative reviews, I may be inclined to check it out, just to see what I thought.


Would you or have you bought a book because of a bad review?

If you would like to become a follower of Treasured Tales for Young Adults, following via Linky Followers would be greatly appreciated as Treasured Tales is hoping to reach 100 Linky Followers by May 13th.  ♥

18 thoughts on “Feature and Follow Friday (#2)

  1. I love checking out what others think of books before I buy them, but I always remember that that doesn’t guarantee that I will also love it or hate it. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m a new Linky Follower.

  2. Following from FF – sorry it’s taken me a while to get round to you! It’s my first week joining in, I hope you might have time to visit my FF post.

  3. I say buy a book based on what you think not what others think. Others opinions shouldn’t be your own or influence your decision. Because the book could end up being one you’d really like, but because of what someone else said you never gave it a try.

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I returned the follow 🙂

    ~ Christina @ Biblio Thoughts

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